Most of the electrical systems that we use in our daily lives are powered by standard electrical wires. Even the systems that we depend upon in the times of danger and emergency are powered by standard power, interconnect or control cables. Unfortunately, these wires do not have a tolerance for high temperature or fire, both of which may occur during emergency conditions. In such conditions, the conventional wires melt and form a conductive ash causing to quickly short electrically, VT-SON FR flexible house wires are designed to perform in
these critical periods that necessitate electrical operations in conditions of direct exposure to fire and water. It is under these extreme conditions that VI-SON FR flexible house wires will provide absolute operation required for emergency
power to fire pumps, power panels for lighting and other powered functions that may support safe and rapid building exit. VT-SON FR flexible house wires are manufactured using 99.99% pure, electrolytic grade bright annealed bare copper which gives superior conductivity, Better purity and conductivity of copper ensures a greater saving of electrical energy and thus reduces electricity bills. The conductor is made of multiple strands of finely drawn copper wires thereby offering greater flexibility which makes these wires ideal for conduit wiring.
Vi-SON FR flexible house wires meet the IS 694:1990 standards and also have FIA /TAC approvals.